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Test Series for TCS/TPS

Total Tests for TCS Prelims: 15 Tests (8 Sectional tests + 7 full-length tests)
Fees: 6999
Mode of Payment: Card/Cash/UPI/Cheque

Total Tests for TCS Mains: 12 Tests (2 x 6 main subject)
Fees: 6999
Mode of Payment: Card/Cash/UPI/Cheque

Dear Aspirants,

Every candidate for TCS/TPS examination must undergo quality Mock Test Series before taking the actual examination. Your selection in Civil Service examination depends on your ability to work through these questions and arrive at the right answers.

Oriental IAS strives to provide well designed Test Series for various examinations to give a boost to your preparations.

Main Features of Test Series:

  1. Comprehensive coverage of entire syllabus of examination through MCQs
  2. Comprehensive coverage of 12 Months Current Affairs
  3. Proportional presence of questions of every nature- ranging from factual to conceptual ones.
  4. Practice of application of different tactics of choosing the correct answer viz. elimination tactics, avoiding the extremes and so on.
  5. Tests designed to prepare students mentally as well as psychologically to handle exam pressure and help them efficiently manage their time.
  6. Performance Analysis of aspirants, Section wise analysis, Difficulty Analysis
  7. Detailed explanation to mock questions to facilitate deeper understanding of the topics.